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Free people search is a free to search public records engine for people contact information. You can lookup and find anyone’s true people addresses, phone numbers, arrest records, court records, driving records, marriage and divorce records and other valuable information such as unclaimed assets held by state and federal governments.
FreePeopleSearch engine goes through billions of data records in just a few minutes. Every day thousands of people use Free People Search engine websites to find information that otherwise would take days and weeks to find on their own. makes it easy for anyone, anywhere to find deep web information for free.
Finding people information online is easily done with our service. You can conveniently access this website from both your desktop computer, tablet or mobile phone. is designed to fit every device with ease. Start by entering first and last name. For more accurate and exact results, add the state the person you are looking for is living in. If you do not know the state, leave that space blank.
#1 Free People search data services online. Find neighbors, co-workers, college roommates, lost family members, and more by searching our directory. Includes, but not limited to: Emails, Addresses, Phone Numbers, Relatives, Associates, Social Media and More!
As of 2022, there are hundreds to thousands of people search websites claiming to provide valuable and easy to use public records. However, only a handful of people search engines are truly as good as they say they are. offers a state of the art and easy to use search portal, for you to try before you commit to buying a complete report or membership.
What is an Online People Finder?
You have undoubtedly watched some modern series where this trick has been used to introduce the viewers to the potential heroes. The camera zooms in on two people who have just met each other. Once they have said their names aloud, the camera zooms out, and the graphic designer draws the whole dossier on each person. Alternatively, there is a voice-over who reveals every little thing about the person right after they have introduced themselves. This is exactly how it works with the online people search. All you have to do is provide a little information about the person known to you in one of the online people search engines and wait to find out the rest. It is hard to imagine that pretty much every single little detail we have ever submitted online is stored somewhere. Well, this is so. Obviously, not everyone can find out the information about everyone, but it is doable. It is true that the majority of the information you could easily find online even without using the online people search engines.
- You are looking for a long-lost friend
- You want to find out more information about your colleague
- You need to look up something about the person of your interest
- You are trying to find a relative
- You need to check the client's/business partner's trustworthiness
- You represent universities, research centers, businesses, tech start-ups
Every online people search engine uses a different algorithm. Some online people search websites aggregate the information obtained from all the standard social networks, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Reddit, etc. Another kind of online people search engine uses the "non-typical sites" to derive the info.
In most cases, a name and a last name are enough to collect all the information about the person. If you did not ask the person for these details in private, you could look them up online on any social platform knowing their name or through common friends or acquaintances.
However, some kinds of online people's search engines require such entry details as a person's name, last name, birthday, and city they live in. Having entered these details, you may be sure that the online people search will provide you with astonishing info.
If your end goal is to find out the most info about the person, make sure you use a few online people search engines at once. One could be paid, and the other be free. Using several online people search platforms will ensure the very little information about the person that was available online- was found.
Well, it is hard to find a person who has not posted a single thing online at least once. However, this is possible if it is about the older people who only used the alternative of social media in the 80s. Some of the online people search engines can help you with that. uses smart algorithms and data bases that cross billions of data points. When you perform a search and select the right person from our initial lookup, our system can identify the person and pin point them by using multiple signals. There, it is highly likely that when you look up someone who has never had a social media account, you will still be able to find them due to the fact that their information is somewhere in the USA public records data base. knows how identify and retrieve that information for our users on both our free and paid versions.
Most online people search platforms can help you find the street addresses, phone numbers, and even family members of the person of your interest. Some online people search platforms help you find the universities and jobs to which the potential candidate has gone. What is more, some platforms also indicate the exact period when the person has attended those.
Our service lets you find all that and more. When you search with you get access to unclaimed money, criminal records, public records, court records, aliases, social accounts, dating accounts, previous and current phone numbers, previous and current addresses, assets, bankruptcies, sex offender information, traffic citations, misdemeanors, felonies, warrants and much more. is much more than your average free people search directory.
Most online people search platforms would require you to pay a small fee. However, there are plenty of free online people search engines one can use nowadays, such as Searching is completely free, and you can also use our people search directory to find out quick information such as addresses, phone numbers, emails and other available information.
We do offer a premium people search report which requires a free. However, we recommend obtaining this report if you need to find out more information such as criminal records, arrest records, court information, police records, and other information a free people search report would not show.
Conclusion: There is no better way to find out more information about a person living in the United States other than using an online people search, if you know just as little as a few details about the individual. Should you have any other questions, you can email us, or call us at any time. Our customer service representatives would be happy to help and support you with your online people search needs.
People Records
Arrest Records
Dating Profiles
Court Records
Driving Records
Marriage Records
Divorce Records
Police Records
Yes, free online people search engines are legal.
The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) protects consumers from the misuse of their personal information by businesses and government agencies. The FCRA requires that companies provide consumers with a notice of their rights before they can obtain any consumer reports on them. It also limits the use of certain information within these reports, including criminal records, medical history, employment history and credit scores.
The FCRA also requires that businesses obtain written consent from consumers before obtaining their personal information from third parties such as public records or social media sites. This means that if you want to run a background check on someone through a free online people search engine like Facebook or Twitter, then you will need their permission first.
Absolutely; the main goal of is to provide users with accurate, genuine official and legal data. To do so, the website taps into local and national public records databases, while adhering to FCRA regulations. When using the website, users are not breaking any laws, and they can enjoy the benefits of the Freedom of Information Act, and getting access to valuable data.
You can perform a people search offline. You can use the same methods as you would to perform a people search online, but you'll need to do it manually.
If you want to find someone's phone number, address, or other personal details, you'll need to go through each state's public records office and check their databases individually. This can be time-consuming and expensive if you don't know where to look--so we recommend doing your research before starting this process!
If you're looking for a people search, the first place to start is with public records offices. These offices have records that go back decades, and they can be an invaluable resource when it comes to finding information on people.
The best way to perform an offline people search with public records offices is by visiting them in person. You can find them by doing an online search or asking around your community--they'll usually be located in municipal buildings or courthouses. Once you've found them, ask if they have any records related to your search: if so, they'll be able to help you find what you're looking for.
This process is lengthy, especially if you need to find several types of public records. To make the process quick and easy, you can simply use the services that are available to you on
Like with every other service, every business and people search website decide on the number or type of services they provide. Many free people search websites create limits on the number of queries that users can perform each month. So, you will only have a limited number of searches that you can use on such websites. Unlike other people search websites, does not limit the number of queries that users can perform. There are unlimited searches for each user, allowing them to find data whenever and about whomever they desire.
In most cases the answer is No; a free people search is a tool that you can use to find information about someone who is not in your immediate circle of friends or family. It will not give you any information about their criminal history or any other legal or financial issues they may have had in the past.
A free background check, on the other hand, is much more comprehensive and detailed than a free people search. It will tell you if someone has been arrested or convicted of a crime, whether they have filed for bankruptcy or have unpaid debts, and much more. However, unlike other free people search websites, you can use to find background data about people within minutes.
The accuracy of a free people search can vary depending on the source of the information and how recently it was updated. Some free people search sites may provide outdated or incomplete information, while others may have more accurate and up-to-date data. It is important to note that the information provided by these types of sites may not be as reliable as that obtained from a paid service or from official government records. Additionally, information from free people search sites may not be usable for legal or official purposes. To get the most accurate and up-to-date results, you need to use professional and licensed free people search engines, such as
We offer basic people search information for all our visitors. If you would like to receive a deep people search report, you would have to either buy a one time report or an unlimited monthly membership.
Premium reports a much more extensive and provide full public record information. There is information we can not simply give out for free due to our costs of data, servers and operations. With a premium report you can view a person’s criminal history, bankruptcy information, previous addresses, previous phone numbers, sex offenders who live near your home, unclaimed money, marriage records, divorce records, court records and much more.
They do. If a person has a criminal record with a mugshot attached to it, the report will show that. gives you the ability to search the owner of any address in the united states. Address search results give a lot more than just owner information. They provide mortgage details, previous owners and much more.
Reverse Phone Lookup allows you to find the phone number owner information. With you can perform an unlimited reverse phone number search when you create a premium account.
Yes. We follow FCRA guidelines. There are certain rules and guidelines you must follow when registering an account with
Yes. All reports allow you to email and download them as a pdf attachment directly to your phone or computer.
Correct. There are many online people finder websites. However, many of them offer old data and incorrect information. If you are need of fast people search results now; is your go to website. Why? Because we have done it the longest. And our data is incomparable to others. With our service you can find true people search results you can actually count on and use for verifying any person in the United States. That is why we offer much of our information for free, 100% money back guarantee and 24/7 customer service support.
You can reach us at 1.877.503.5814 any time. Our customer service is available for your service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.